Diagnostic Biosystems Pages
Proven IHC Staining Platform – The AutostainerTM platform has been delivering reliable IHC results globally for over a decade
Broad Capabilities – A fully open platform for maximum flexibility to program individual slide IHC protocols. Supports the MontageTM line of MultiPlex and Routine products while simultaneously performing your research projects and other custom protocols. Flexibility in staining software allows optimization of dispense volumes and incubations
Easy to Perform MultiPlex Stainds – Pre-optimized autoprograms for the DBS Montage MultiPlexTM stains ensure consistency from run to run. Provides all reagents necessary to achieve optimal staining
Antibodies - A complete selection of concentrated and pre-diluted ready-to-use antibodies for your convenience
Detection Systems - IHC staining detection systems for advanced biotin-free polymer systems as well as traditional streptavidin-biotin IHC staining. DBS also offers detection systems for rabbit and mouse antibodies labeled with horseradish peroxidase or alkaline phosphatase for use on manual or automated staining instruments
Ancillary Reagents - Useful when flexibility is of utmost importance
Special Stains - Special Stain kits have been optimized for fast performance, ease of use, and provide the highest accuracy attainable